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Frequently Asked Questions

Q - Which retailers carry Exoto replicas?
A - Exoto replicas are now available at FAO Schwarz. In addition, many specialty shops carry a limited selection of Exoto replicas.
Q - What do I need to know before purchasing Exoto products from a retailer?
A - Exoto strongly recommends purchasing Exoto products only from authorized Exoto dealers. Exoto cannot replace damaged items purchased from unauthorized retailers. Review our notes about damaged items, missing parts and returns, particularly as they pertain to products that are not purchased from Exoto directly, either online or by telephone.
Q - How can I be assured that Exoto will stand behind my purchase?
A - To be sure of factory support, purchase directly from Exoto. Orders can be placed here, on Exoto.com, or by phone. For international customers, click here for a list of countries from which online orders can be accepted.