Frequently Asked Questions |
Q - |
How fast will my order be shipped? |
A - |
We make every effort to ship your order within 48 hours. Special arrangements can be made for rush deliveries when ordering by phone. (Sorry -- we are unable to accept rush shipping requests for online orders at this time.) |
Q - |
What methods does Exoto use for shipping? |
A - |
Orders are typically shipped by USPS (United States Postal Service) and UPS (United Parcel Service), however Exoto reserves the right to use the carrier of our choice to provide the best service to a particular destination. We may be able to accommodate special shipping requests when ordering by phone - additional charges may apply. (Sorry -- we are unable to accept specific shipping requests for online orders at this time.) |
Q - |
What are Exoto's shipping charges? |
A - |
Our shipping charges reflect the true cost of international delivery. Shipping anywhere in the world is calculated according to the table below.
| Description* | Continental USA | AK, HI, PR | Canada** | International** | | Exoto 43 | $38.00 each | $58.00 each | $58.00 each | $78.00 each | Gran Turismo | Grand Marques | Grand Prix Classics | Racing Legends | First Heat Can-Am Collection | Motorbox | ThunderTrac | Diorama Display Bases | | Grand Prix Classics / 1:10 | $150.00 each | $180.00 each | $180.00 each | $180.00 each | Le Mans Classiques / 1:10 | | * Shipping on all Bundle and Gift Set items (including those in the First Heat Can-Am Collection) will be calculated based on the number of items in the set.
** Prices do not include any customs fees, brokerage fees, import taxes, or duties. Such charges are beyond Exoto's control and are the sole responsibly of the customer.