1934-1951 Exoto Alfa Romeo 500

Carrying Cars, Carrying Championships!

Countless behind-the-scenes stories played out around the team transporter. They exude the magic of pre- and post-war racing. The glory days of racing are long gone and the memories of those times are fading, preserved only in stories and photos. Until now!

The Alfa Romeo 500 was a particularly vital part of the paddock scene for many years. Exoto’s first releases include the yellow and red Alfa Romeo 500 Racing Car Transporters used by Scuderia Ferrari during the 1936 season and Scuderia Alfa Romeo during Nino Farina’s 1950 Championship season!

Exoto43 blows the competition away with remarkable 1:43 scale details. Exoto has even managed to engineer nostalgia into our 1:43 scale miniature Alfa Romeo 500 Racing Car Transporters! Our proven ability to reproduce minute details in 1:18 scale has been translated into precision on an even smaller scale. Tight seems, precise casts, genuine photo-etch metal details, and high grade materials set Exoto43 replicas apart! The rear doors, featuring a lock operated by a miniature chromed handle, is sure to bring a smile to any collector’s face. Rolling wheels and positionable loading ramps allow the Alfa Romeo 500 to be positioned for loading.

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